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Раздел: Компьютерные игры Fallout для PPC 

Создана: 24 Февраля 2007 Суб 23:07:39.
Раздел: "Компьютерные игры"
Сообщений в теме: 16, просмотров: 6709

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  1. 24 Февраля 2007 Суб 23:07:39
    Всвязи с новообразовавшимися выходными, одолела меня мысль...а почему это до сих пор не портировали столь славную игрушку под КПК...а не изучить ли этот вопрос, а не замахнуться ли на...и прочее...НО!!! Десять минут проработки этого вопроса в инете - и поиск выдает сию инфу: Fallout таки портирован, причем более недели назад... в инете обнародованы результаты труда группы Commando & The Fallout PPC Team от 13 февраля 2007 года Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Дальнейшие слова излишни Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

    Инфа лежит тут
    [внешняя ссылка]

    Fallout_PPC_v.002beta for Pocket PC 2002/2003/SE
    [внешняя ссылка]

    Fallout_PPC_v.002beta Windows Mobile 5.0
    [внешняя ссылка]

    Поддерживаемые устройства:
    Acer n50, n10, n311
    ASUS A620BT, A636
    Dell x50v, x51v
    Eten X500, M600
    HP rx3715, hx2190, h1930, hx2490, h3950
    Loox 410, 718, 720, N560
    Mitak A700
    O2 XDA
    Qtek 9000, 9090, S110, S200, 9100, 2020i
    Rover W5

    "Fallout: Back to U.S.S.R."
    New features:
    - support of english language (all game dialogs are now translated, currently translation is not polished, you can use word editor to make it better).
    - support of Windows Mobile 5.0 devices (may be some problems with 3-d graphic accelerator devices)
    - 3 new quest lines
    - game manual draft in english (please read it to know why you cant fight, trade or steal right now and more)
    - minor engine changes and bug fixes.

    System requirements
    Minimal system requirements :
    OS: PocketPC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003/SE, WM5*
    Memory: 12 MB free space
    Free disk space: 7,5 MB
    Video: qVGA
    CPU: 250-300 Mhz

    Recommend system requirements:
    OS: PocketPC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003/SE, WM5*
    Memory: 19 MB free space
    Free disk space: 7,5 MB
    Video: qVGA
    CPU: 400 Mhz

    *May not work on devices with 3D accelerator

    Q. When next beta version will be released?
    A. Approximately summer 2007.

    Q. How about a VGA-version?
    A. Possible, but not before qVGA is ready.

    Q. The game is not running!
    A. Currently not 100% WM devices are supported: find a new device or wait for a new version.

    Q. Why the game use so much memory?
    A. Game architecture is not optimized. It will be fixed in v.003 beta.

    Q. Won't you have copyright problems?
    A. The distributed game engine will contain no copyright material, except our own, but it will be fully compatible with most desktop Fallout resources. Their usage will be up to the user.

    Q. Where can I get more info about the project?
    A. Soon a project website will come online, follow the news!

    About project:
    Fallout for Pocket PC (inner working title) is a freeware close-coded game engine for Windows Mobile 2002, 2003SE, 5.0 with open map and script editors, allowing anyone to create SPECIAL-based Fallout-like RPG for PDA (even a complete port of desktop F1&2).

    "Fallout: Back to U.S.S.R." (working title) is a game project, based on the FPPC engine, telling us a story about what happened on the other side of the world on post-nuclear Russia territory. Without vaults mutation rates and peoples destiny is much more severe here. You will play one of the apocalypse survivor and find your role in the plot of an organisation calling themselves - neocommunists. Will you decide to stop the raising plague of a new society based on Lenin and Stalin testaments or join the ranks of those who is building a new "bright future" on the ashes of nuclear war? Destiny is yours, tovarish!"
  2. 26 Февраля 2007 Пон 12:49:07
    Есть куча между прочим портированных игр, в том числе и DOOM2, DUKE 3D, Siberia, в общем качать не перекачать.
    Все идет полноценно, сам играл.
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