Аспирантура в Гонконге
Создана: 27 Августа 2009 Чтв 19:55:19.
Раздел: "Сортировка"
Сообщений в теме: 6, просмотров: 2637
Один профессор из Hong-Konga попросил меня разместить рекламу их программы аспирантуры. Вроде она касается всех областей знаний (и всех универов в Гонконге ), но прежде всего они конечно заинтересованы в естественных науках. Стипендия US$ 2,600 в месяц + на поездки US$ 1,300.
Вообщем кто заинтересован, читайте.
Hong Kong has initiated a new scheme to attract the best and brightest
students in the world to pursue PhD studies in Hong Kong, including City
University of Hong Kong (CityU).
Under this Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, each applicant may apply to
a maximum of two programmes, in one or two Hong Kong institutions.
Candidates will find more information about PhD studies in my department
at [внешняя ссылка]
This year, applications to the Fellowship Scheme will be accepted in the
period 8 September – 1 December 2009 online at
[внешняя ссылка]
The Fellowship provides the awardees a monthly stipend of HK$ 20,000
(~US$ 2,600 ~Euro 1840) and a yearly conference and research-related
travel allowance of HK$ 10,000 (~US$ 1,300 ~ Euro 920) for three years
of studies. In addition, Fellowship recipients at CityU will be awarded
the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarship,
which covers students' tuition and on-campus hostel accommodation fees
in their first year of research studies.
The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme is a new initiative by the Research
Grants Council (RGC) in support of the Hong Kong Government's strategic
move. The objective of the Scheme is to enhance the research environment
in Hong Kong by attracting the best and brightest PhD students from around
the world to pursue their studies and research work in Hong Kong. This
Scheme will help internationalize the research postgraduate student
population in Hong Kong.
Fellowship awardees will be provided with a monthly stipend of HK$20,000
and travel allowance of HK$10,000 per year for a maximum period of three
years. PhD students will also receive financial support for their
research activities such as conference attendance, purchase of publication
and computing software/equipment, etc..
All applications should be made through the Research Grants Council's
online application system (http://www.rgc.edu.hk/hkphd/) in
August/September 2009. The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship application is also
regarded as a formal application for PhD admission to the chosen
The application deadline is December 1, 2009.
[внешняя ссылка] -
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