Продается субвуфер 300Вт
Создана: 17 Апреля 2006 Пон 11:48:57.
Раздел: "Объявления и реклама"
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Johnson писал :Продается субвуфер.
Пассивный субвуфер: 300 Вт / 8 Ом, 35- 125 Гц, 120 дБ, 12" динамик
Новый, с документами, гарантия.
цена 21500.
Торг уместен.
вопросы в личку.
Блин, а че он такой дорогущий? У меня брат за 13 взял активный саб на один киловатт!!! -
Какой фирмы он взял? EVM?
А это RCF - итальянцы. Да и назначение несколько иное наверное.
[внешняя ссылка]
The MSW 8 is a professional subwoofer that has been expressly designed for use with the Monitor 88 or Monitor 88W. The special “Dual Load Reflex” configuration makes it possible to get a high level of efficiency, as well as a considerably extended low range frequency response and extremely reduced distortion, features that are not easily found in traditional “direct radiation” speakers.
As the subwoofer range is non-directional, the unit can be installed in the most convenient place, even in a semi-hidden position, as it is very difficult to locate the origin of the sound at this frequency. The MSW 8 has been designed for perfect combination with Monitor 88.
In case other models of speakers have to be used with MSW 8, the satellite speaker impedance shall be 8 Ohm.
The built-in crossover filter can be excluded by means of a two-position switch accessible on the subwoofer terminal-strip.