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Список разделов Ищу работу / Вакансии / Работа Омск

Раздел: Ищу работу / Вакансии / Работа Омск Неспешно ищется Director of Product Managemen 

Создана: 08 Августа 2009 Суб 13:07:27.
Раздел: "Ищу работу / Вакансии / Работа Омск"
Сообщений в теме: 7, просмотров: 1300

  1. 08 Августа 2009 Суб 13:07:27
    Director of Product ManagemenCompetitive Salary and Benefits + Stock t
    Moscow based
    Our Client is a leading provider of cloud computing, virtualisation and hosting automation software,
    is looking for Director of Product Management for one of their business units.
    Reporting to the VP, Automation, this highly motivated individual with extensive experience in
    technical product management in the areas of system management and automation will be
    responsible for building a world-class Product Management organisation and designing datacenter
    automation software products to power cloud computing infrastructure of hundreds of the largest
    enterprises, telcos and hosting service providers in the world.
    This high-impact position provides a unique opportunity to influence and contribute to success of a
    dynamic fast-growing software company.
    Product line includes:
    • Automation of provisioning and management of physical and virtual servers in the data center.
    • Automation of provisioning and management of internet and enterprise cloud computing
    services, such as internet domains, e-mail, web sites, virtual private servers and cloud
    • Automation of business workflows and billing.
    The Director of Product Management will be responsible for driving design and
    development of the company’s products, specifically:
    • Building a world-class Product Management organisation.
    • Implementing industry-best processes and practices for gathering and analysing requirements,
    designing and shipping complex software products.
    • Working with customers and internally to define and execute vision and product roadmaps.
    • Improving collaboration across the organisations - sales, marketing, support, PM, development,
    QA, professional services.
    • Leading and empowering other members of the team.
    PM Organisation
    • Mentor and hire Product Managers with a goal of building a strong team of individuals capable of
    being an effective communication channel between customers and developers.
    • Coach Product Managers to be excellent product designers and effective drivers and coordinators
    of product development.
    • Establish a customer-focused culture that emphasises value of solving real world problems of
    real world business partners.
    • Implementing industry-best PM processes and practices targeted at improving overall quality andcustomer satisfaction.

    Product Design
    • Educate and mentor members of Product Management team as well as Development and QA
    team on the industry-best practices in software design.
    • Work with customers and internally to create medium and long-term vision for the product line,
    including business requirements and technical roadmaps.
    • Implement effective mechanisms of channeling customer requirements coming from sales,
    marketing and support organisations to software development organisations.
    • Drive high-level architectural and technical decision making to ensure that the company’s
    products can quickly adapt to the fast-changing customer requirements of the cloud computing
    and internet hosting industries.
    Cross-Group Collaboration
    • Work with development and test organisation to ensure that they deliver the product that the
    customers need.
    • Work with sales, marketing, support and professional services organisations to ensure effective
    communication of feedback from the broad range customers as well as delivery of the company’s
    message and roadmap to the customers and partners.
    Personal Excellence
    • Exhibits excellent judgment.
    • Hires and develops great people.
    • Thinks strategically, thinks big and has convictions.
    • Result-oriented and stays on top of tactical execution.
    • Expects and requires innovation from Product Management and other teams. Has the innate
    ability to inspire passion in others.
    The Director of Product Management needs to have:
    • 10 years or more of technical product management experience with at least 5 years as manager.
    • Extensive experience with the enterprise management and automation products and related
    • Extensive experience with Web Services/SOA architectures.
    • Proven success record in driving design and development and shipping complex software
    • Excellent communicator and consensus builder.
    • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
    • Bachelor degree in mathematics, physics, computer science or electronic engineering. Master
    degree is a plus.
    • Excellent skills in analysing and formalising requirements for software products.
    Compensation includes a competitive salary, bonus and benefits package, a very attractive stock
    option plan and a complete ex-pat package - business-class apartment a car in Moscow paid for by
    the company. A 2-year commitment is required. Fluent conversational Russian would be preferable
    but not essential.

    icq 148040243
  2. ник


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    10 Августа 2009 Пон 8:30:09
    1) Прошу прощения, но практического смысла в публикации вакансии на английском - просто нет. Типа тест на знание языка? Глупо, ибо кому надо - переведут. А обращение к потенциальным сотрудникам на родном для них языке является демонстрацией элементарного такта и уважения. Тем более что
    2) Если уж писать на английском, стоит это делать как минимум грамотно. Я, конечно, понимаю, что большинство "спицофф по америкосовскому" дальше чем дословно перевести русский текст пойти не могут, но заявленый уровень "leading" для компании обязывает писать хотя бы без грамматических ошибок. Неужели жалко было заплатить переводчику нормальному?
  3. 10 Августа 2009 Пон 10:45:50
    1) практического смысла размещать эту вакансию на форуме 0,00001\%. Не глупо, ибо знание английского обязательно.
    2)А это уже флуд.
    Я сама прекрасно что и почему.

    По русски: знание английского обязательно. Опыт обязателень. Работа в Москве. Оплата более чем достаточная. Жилье оплачивают. Машину предоставляют. Вакансия от англичан. Кандидатов найти не реально.
  4. 10 Августа 2009 Пон 10:55:11
    тогда нах..й вы ее сюда поместили?) Гы-гы-гы
  5. borisena


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    10 Августа 2009 Пон 12:41:07
    вот же идиотизм, за каким колом то Confused
  6. 10 Августа 2009 Пон 18:17:56
    Б\_яПоэт писал : тогда нах..й вы ее сюда поместили?) Гы-гы-гы

    на русское авось
  7. cyber


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    10 Августа 2009 Пон 19:28:58
    Кудряшка Сю писала :
    Б\_яПоэт писал ... : тогда нах..й вы ее сюда поместили?) Гы-гы-гы

    на русское авось

    авось да небось.... лучше дело брось (с) народ