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Создана: 05 Октября 2005 Срд 8:06:46.
Раздел: "Компьютерные игры"
Сообщений в теме: 21, просмотров: 23317

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  1. RAAL


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    05 Октября 2005 Срд 8:06:46
    Предлагаю создать такую тему,желательно выкладывать свои списки только один раз,а потом редактировать топ...
    Вот мой "скромный" вклад
    Название игры Жанр

    1508 A.D New World Strategy
    18 Wheels Of Steal Pedal of the Metal Simulator
    18 Wheels Of Steel Convoy racing
    25 to Life Action
    3D беспредел Action
    A NO NO NO (Ano Hi Ano Toki Ano Mirai) Adventure/Hentai
    Abandoner Adventure/Hentai
    Act of War Strategy
    Advent Rising Action
    Age Of Wonders strategy
    Age Of Wonders : Shadow Magic strategy
    Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne strategy
    Ai no Ka-ta-chi Adventure/Hentai
    Ai Shimai - Immoral Sisters Adventure/Hentai
    Air blue Plunder (be done)& humiliation ADV
    Air orange Plunder (be done)& humiliation ADV
    Alexander: Fortune Favors The Bold strategy
    Alice Action
    Alien Shooter 2 Action
    Aliens vs Predator FPS
    Alone in the Dark - New Nightmare Action
    Alpha Black Zero: Intrepid Protocol TPS
    Ane Chantoshiyouyotsu Adventure/Hentai
    Ane Chantoshiyouyotsu 2 Adventure/Hentai
    Aneboin (ane to boin) Adventure/Hentai
    Angel Wish Pit-a-pat servant ADV
    AngellBulet Prostrate training western hentai
    Another War(Другая Война) RPG
    Anvil of Down RPG
    Arcanum of streamworks & magick obscura RPG
    Area 51 FPS
    Armed & Dangerous Action
    Armed Assault FPS
    Art of magic:Magic & Mayhem 2 Strategy
    Artifical Girl 2 Mega Package 3D Hentai Simulator
    Arx Fatalis RPG/Action
    Asterix & Obelix XL arcade/action
    Bad Day of L.A TPS
    Baldur's gate Epic RPG
    Baldur's gate 2: Shadows of Amn Epic RPG
    Baldur's gate 2: Throne of Baal (add-on) Epic RPG
    Bandits: Phoenix Rising(Безумный Маркс) Action
    Bard's Tale Action RPG
    Battle Isle: The Andosia War RTS
    Battle Raper Fighting/Hentai
    Battle Raper 2 Fighting/Hentai
    Battlefield 2 Command FPS
    Battlefield 2142 Command FPS
    Battlefield(+Return To Rome) Command FPS
    Beavis And Butt-Head: Do U adventure
    Beavis And Butt-Head: virtual stupidity adventure
    Bet On Soldier FPS
    Betrayal At Krondor RPG
    Beyon Good & Evil Action/Adventure
    Be-Yond ADV (Full Voiced, Animated)
    Beyond Divinity RPG
    Bible Black -La noche de walpurgis- Multi Ending ADV
    Bichiku Adventure/Hentai
    Biko 1 3D Hentai Stalker
    Biko 2: Reversible Face 3D Hentai Stalker
    Biko 3: Hunter 3D Hentai
    BioShock FPS/Stels
    Birthright Strategy
    Black and White 2 RTS
    Blade Runer Adventure
    Blair Witch(1,2,3) Action
    Blood Royal Girl Rasing SIM/Hentai
    Blood Royal 2 Girl Rasing SIM/Hentai
    BloodRayne TPS
    BloodRayne 2 Action
    Bokura no Kankin Shinsatsushitsu Adventure/Hentai
    Brave Soul RPG/Hentai
    Breath Of Fire 4 Jrpg
    Broken sword Adventure
    Broken sword 2 Adventure
    Broken Sword 4 Angel of Deth Adventure
    Brothers In Arms - Earned In Blood Tactical FPS
    Brothers In Arms - Earned in Blood FPS/Tactical
    Brutish Mine 3D Hentai RPG
    Caliz Adventure/Hentai
    Call of Cthulhu Action/Adventure
    Call of Duty 2 FPS
    Call of Duty:Operation Abver FPS
    Call of Juarez Action
    Carmageddon Action
    Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now Action
    Carmageddon DTR 2000 Action
    Castle Fantasia 2 RPG/Hentai
    Castle Fantasia 3 RPG/Hentai
    Castle Strike Strategy
    Celebrity Dethmatch Fighting
    Chain Adventure/Hentai
    Chaos Legion Action RPG
    Chaser FPS
    Chikan wa Hanzai 2D CG / 3D CG Poligons ADV/Sim/Hentai
    Chitai Kanshou ~Houkago no chaimu wa shou no hajimari~ Adventure/Hentai
    Chronicles Of Riddick Action
    Civilisation 3 Strategy
    Civilisation 4 Strategy
    Clive Barker's Undying
    Close Combat Strategy
    Codemned:Criminal Origins FPS
    Codes of Davinchi Adventure
    Cold Fear TPS
    Cold Fear(Licensed) TPS
    Cold War
    Cold Zero TPS
    Colin McRae DiRT Racing
    Colin McRae DiRT Racing
    Colin McRae Rally 2005 Racing/Simulator
    Come to see me tonight Adventure/Hentai
    Come to see me tonight 2 Adventure/Hentai
    Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge Strategy
    Command & Conquer: Renegade TPS
    Command & Conquer:Zero Hour Strategy
    Commandos 2 Men of Courage Strategy Tactics
    Commandos 3:Destination Berlin Strategy/Tactics
    Commandos Strike Force Action
    Company of Heroes Tactical Strategy
    Constantine Action
    Costume Player Adventure/Hentai
    CrashDay Racing/Acion
    Crime Life Gang Wars Action
    Crimson Tear ADV ACTION/Hentai
    Crusader Kings Strategy
    Crusader No Regret Action
    Cyberia: Project Description Action
    Daemon Vector Action
    Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Action(FPS)/RPG
    Dark Star One Arcade Space Simulator
    Day of Tentacle Adventure
    Debo no Subako Adventure/Hentai
    Delaware St.John Vol1. The Curse of Midnight Manor(Охотник за призраками Дело 1 Проклятое Поместье) Adventure/Horror
    Delaware St.John Vol2.(Охотник за призраками Дело 2 Город без названия) Adventure/Horror
    Delta Force: Xtreme Action
    Derlanger 3D Movie/Hentai
    Des Blood 3D ADV (Animated)/Hentai
    Des Blood 2 3D ADV+ACTION (Animated)/Hentai
    Des Blood 3 Hentai/3D Adv Action
    Des Blood VR 3D Action/Hentai
    Desert Korpse vs Africa Rats Strategy
    Desert Love Adventure/Hentai
    Desire Adventure/Hentai
    Deus Ex FPS
    Deus Ex FPS
    Deus Ex 2:Invisible War FPS
    Devil Inside (Дьявол Шоу) TPS/Horror
    Devil May Cry 3 SE Action
    Devil Twins Girls Rising Sim/Hentai
    Diablo 2 Action RPG
    Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction (add-on) Action RPG
    Diablo HellFire Action RPG
    Die by the Sword TPS
    Dino Crisis 2 Action
    Disciples - Возвращение эльфов,Восстание Галлеана -коллекционное издание Turn based strategy
    Discipline School Insult ADV (Animated)/Hentai
    DiscWorld Adventure
    DiscWorld 2:Mission Perssumed! Adventure
    Discworld Noir Adventure
    Divine Divinity RPG
    Do you like horny bunnies ? Adventure/Hentai
    Do you like horny bunnies 2? Adventure/Hentai
    Doki Doki Oyako Lesson Adventure/Hentai
    Doll Uroboros 3D Movie/Hentai
    Doll Uroboros 2 3D Movie/Hentai
    Doom 3 FPS
    Dragonshard RTS
    Dreamfall Adventure/Action
    Driver Racing
    Druuna: Morbus Gravis TPS/Adventure
    Duke Nukem - Manhattan Project Shooter/Platformer
    Duke nukem 3D: Out in DC FPS
    Dungeon Lords RPG
    Dungeon Siege Action/RPG
    Dungeon Siege 2 Action/RPG
    DvD Games Varios
    Eath 2160 Strategy
    Ecstatica 2 Action/Horror
    Eden 3D Movie/Hentai
    Eden 2 3D Movie/Hentai
    Eden 3 3D Movie/Hentai
    Eden 4 3D Movie/Hentai
    Eighteen 2D/3D + Movie Hentai Adventure/Hentai
    El Matador Action
    Elevator Panic ~ Secret Room Obscenity Adventure/Hentai
    Emergency Room 2: Disaster Strikes doctor game
    Empire Earth 2 strategy
    Enclave TPS/Slasher
    End Of Twilight Adventure/Action
    Etrom Soul of Astral(Этром душа АстралаLongest Jorney) RPS/Sci-fi
    Evil Dead - Regeneration TPS
    Evil Genius Strategy
    Evil Islands RPG
    Evolva Action/Strategy
    Ex Machina Action/Racing
    Ex Machina Меридиан 113 Action/Racing
    F.E.A.R FPS
    F.E.A.R FPS
    F.E.A.R Extraction Point FPS/Addon
    Fable Action/RPG
    FABLE Action RPG
    Faery Tale II - Halls Of The Dead RPG
    Fahrenheit Interactive Movie/Other
    Fairy Nights Adventure/Hentai
    Fallout Tatics Turn based strategy
    Fantastic Four Action
    Fantasy 4 in 1 Varios
    Fantasy General Turn based strategy
    Fate/stay night Novella/Hentai
    FIFA 2006 Sport
    FIFA 2006 World Cup Sport
    FIFA Manager 2006 Sport
    Finall Fantasy 8 Jrpg
    FlatOut Racing
    Flutter of Birds Adventure/Hentai
    Flutter of Birds 2 Adventure/Hentai
    Freedom Fighters Action
    Freedom Force Action
    Freedom Force Vs Third Reich RPG/Tactics
    Freelancer Space Simulator
    Freelancer Space Simulator
    From Dusk Till Dawn (От Заката до Рассвета) TPS
    Full Spectrum Warrior action
    Full Throttle Adventure
    Futamajo 3D Adventure/Hentai
    Future cop L.A.P.D Action
    Gabriel Knight - Sins Of The Fathers Quest
    Galactic Civilizations II - Dread Lords Space strategy
    Gematria:Code 3D Movie/Hentai
    Gene Toopers FPS
    Gibo Guilty Adventure/Hentai
    Girl Force (Armored Girls' Squad GIRLS FORCE) Adventure/Hentai
    Gish arcade/F.U.N
    Gladiator:Sword of Vengence Action
    Glory Of The Roman Empire Strategy/Simulation
    Gobliiins Arcade/Adventure
    Gorky 17(Горький 17-Запретная Зона) Turn based strategy
    Gorky Zero TPS
    Gothic RPG
    Gothic 2 RPG
    Gothic 2:Night Of Raven RPG
    Gothic 3 RPG
    Grand Theif Auto 2 Action
    Grandia 2 Anime RPG
    Green ~ Screen of Autumn Color ~ Adventure(animared)/Hentai
    Green Green 2 Adventure/Hentai
    Green Green 3 Adventure/Hentai
    Grim Fandago adventure
    Ground Control Strategy
    GTR 2 Racing
    Guid wars MORPG
    Guilty Gear X Fighting
    Guilty Gear XX Fighting
    Guilty Gear XX Reload Fighting
    GUN Action
    GunMetal Action
    Guren Rasetsu RPG/Hentai
    Guren Shura RPG/Hentai
    Halo FPS
    Hana no Himei 3D Acion/Hentai
    Harbinger RPG
    Harry Poter 4 - кубок огня Action Adventure/Hentai
    Heaven -Death Game Adventure/Hentai
    Heavy Metall F.A.K.K 2 FPS
    Hegemonia: Legions Of Iron strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic Turn based strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic II Gold Turn based strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic III Turn based strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic III Chronicles: Clash of the Dragons Turn based strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic III Chronicles: Conquest of the Underworld Turn based strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic III Chronicles: Masters of the Elements Turn based strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic III Chronicles: The Final Chapters Turn based strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic III Chronicles: Warlords of the Wasteland Turn based strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic III: In the Wake of Gods Turn based strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic III: Во имя богов Turn based strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic IV Turn based strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic IV Turn based strategy
    Heroes Of Might And Magic IV The Gathering Storm Expansion Pack Turn based strategy
    Hexplore RPG
    Hidden & Dungeorous Action/Tactics
    Hinata Adventure/Hentai
    Hitman Contracts Action/Silent
    Hitman: Codename 47 TPS
    Hokenshitsu Magical Pure Lessons Adventure/Hentai
    Homeworld 2 Space Strategy
    Homeworld Cataclysm Space Strategy
    Honoo no Haramase Jinsei ~Ano Koro ni Modotte Haramase Night~ Adventure/Hentai
    Hot Rod Garage to glory Racing
    House of the Dead Shooting
    Hyoui Adventure/Hentai
    Icewind Dale RPG
    Icewind Dale 2 RPG
    Icewind Dale 2 RPG
    Icewind Dale Heart of Winter RPG
    Icewind Dale Tales of Luremaster RPG
    Idols Galore Adventure/Hentai
    IGI 2 FPS
    Ijitte Princess ~ Mou! Mata Konna Tokorode ~ Adventure/Hentai
    Ijjite Princess After Adventure/Hentai
    Immoral Sister R Adventure/Hentai
    Imperial Glory Strategy
    Imperialism Strategy
    Imperium Galactica Strategy
    Incubation Wildess Mission Turn based strategy
    Innai Kansen 2 ~Nurse Call~ Puzzle/Hentai
    Innai Kansen 3 Adventure (Animated)/Hentai
    Insane Action
    Interact Play 3D Simulator/Hentai
    Interact Play VR 3D Simulator/Hentai
    Jade Empire Special Edition RPG
    Jagged Alliance 2: Gold Pack Strategy/Tactics
    Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire strategy
    Jewel Knights - Crusaders Adventure/Hentai
    Jinkou Shoujo 2+Oppai Slider 2 Other/Hentai
    Just Cause Action
    Kaikan Senshi Bus Tea Adventure/Hentai
    KaketaTsuki no Modoranai Adventure/Hentai
    Kana -Little Sister- Drama ADV
    Kango Shicyauzo 2 Adventure/Hentai
    Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (DVD specification) Adventure/Hentai
    Kimi gaita ano hi 3D Movie/Hentai
    King's Quest I Quest
    King's Quest II Quest
    KISS - Psycho Circus FPS
    Knights And Merchants RTS
    Kult - Heretic Kingdoms RPG
    Kyohaku 3D Adventure/Hentai
    Land of Dead Horror FPS
    Lego Star Wars Action
    Leisure suit of Lary Magna Cum Laude Arcade/Quest
    Let's Meow Meow Adventure/Hentai
    Lilith 2006 Best Selection Adventure/Hentai
    Lingeries (Lingeries Office) Sexual Harrasment SIM/Hentai
    Lionheart RPG
    LittleMyMaid Adventure/Hentai
    Longest Jorney Adventure
    Lord of the Rings:Return of the King TPS
    Lords of Realms 2 RPG
    Love Death ~Realtime Lovers~ 3D Hentai Adventure+Cel Shaiding
    Love Fetish 2 Adventure/Hentai
    Love Fetish 3 Adventure/Hentai
    Love Fetish 4 Adventure/Hentai
    Love Fetish 5 Adventure/Hentai
    Love Fetish 6 Adventure/Hentai
    Love Fetish 7 Adventure/Hentai
    Love Fetish 8 Adventure/Hentai
    Love Fetish 9 Adventure/Hentai
    Lula 3D Erotic Adventure
    Mafia Action
    Magic And Mayhem - Art Of Magic Strategy/RPG
    Mahou no Shippona 3D Adventure(animated)/Hentai
    Mahou no Shippona 2 3D Adventure/Hentai
    Mahou no Shippona 3 3D Adventure/Hentai
    Maiden Breeder 3D Simulator/Hentai
    Maiden Breeder 2 3D Simulator/Hentai
    Manhunt Action
    Mashed(Вдребезги) Racing
    Mashine Maiden Adventure/Hentai
    Massive Assault RTS
    Master Of Orion 2+Master of Orion+Star Lords strategy
    Master Of Orion 3 strategy
    Mat Hoffmans Pro BMX 2 Sport
    Max Payne 2 Action
    MDK Action
    Mech Commander Strategy/Mechs
    Mechcommander 2 Strategy/Mechs
    Mechwarrior 3 first person shooter
    Mechwarrior 4 - Vengeance Mech Simulator
    Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries Action/Simulator
    Medal of Honor Pacific Assault FPS
    Medal of Honor:Behind enemy lines FPS
    Messiah TPS
    Midnight Club 2 Racing
    Might of Magic 6 & 7 Коллекционное издание RPG
    Might of Magic 8 RPG
    Mind Crush Pit-a-pat servant ADV
    Mirage ~Another story of the DELRANGER~ Sim /3D pre-rendered
    Mistmare Action/RPG
    Monkey Island 3 - Curse Of Monkey Island Adventure
    Monkey Island 4 - Escape From Monkey Island Adventure
    Moon Child ADV
    Morrowind RPG
    Morrowind Bloodmoon RPG
    Morrowind Tribunal RPG
    Myst 5 Adventure
    Myth II: Soulblighter RTS
    Myth III: The Wolf Age RTS
    Naasu no Obenkyou Adventure/Hentai
    Nascar Thunder 2004 Racing
    NBA 2004 Sport
    NBA 2006 Sport
    Necromania Path of Traps(Некромания силы тьмы) Action
    Necronomicon - The Dawning Of Darkness Adventure Horror
    Need for Speed Carbon Racing
    Negaposi ~Don't call me "big brother"!!~ Romantic Shimale ADV (Animated)
    Neo Geo Roms Roms
    Nevehood Adventure
    Neverwinter Nights 2 RPG
    NewerWinter Nights + addons RPG
    NewerWinter Shadow of Undrentide RPG Addon
    Nexus: The Jupiter Incident space strategy
    NHL 2004 Sport
    NHL 98 Sport
    Night Shift Nurses 2 : ~Yakin Byoto II~ Adventure/Hentai
    No One Lives Forever 2 - The Spy In H.A.R.M.'s Way FPS
    Nocturne TPS
    Nonomura Hospital XP Adventure/Hentai
    Nosferatu FPS
    Nuke it Other
    Nukenin ~Hokaku, soshite Chōkyō e~ Adventure/Hentai
    Nursery Song Adventure/Hentai
    Nuru nuru 3D Movie/Hentai
    Obscure Survial horror
    Oddworld - Abe's Oddysee Adventure
    Onimusha Warlords Action
    Operation FlashPoint:Resistance tactics
    Oppai 3D Simulator
    Oppai addon(Wachichi) 3D Simulator
    OSUMESU Adventure/Hentai
    Overlord Action
    Ozzie Adventure
    Painkiller FPS
    Painkiller Battle Out of Hell FPS
    Painkiller Battle Out of Hell FPS
    Panzer General 2 Strategy
    Panzers - Phase1 Strategy
    Paradise cracked(Код Доступа Рай) Tactical RPG
    Pariah FPS
    Pasucha C++ Adventure/Hentai
    Peter Jacksons King Kong Action
    Planescape Torment Epic RPG
    Playboy Mansion life simulator
    Polygon Love 2 3D Simulator/Hentai
    Pool Of Radiance: Ruins Of Myth Drannor RPG
    Popotan Po 3D Hentai
    Port Royale 2 Strategy
    Post Mortem Adventure
    Postal Action
    Postal 2 FPS
    Prey FPS
    Prince Of Persia Sands of Time TPS
    Prince Of Persia The Two Thrones TPS
    Prince Of Persia Warriors Within TPS
    Prison Tycoon strategy
    Pro Evolution Soccer 3 sport
    Project Nomads Action/Strategy/Arcade
    Psychonauts (Психонавты) Adventure/Action/Other!!!
    Psyhonauts Action/Adventure/Arcade
    Quake II: Zaero Mission Pack,Juggernaut - The New Story Mission Pack FPS
    Quest For Glory IV - Shadows Of Darkness Adventure
    RagDoll Kung Fu Action/Other
    Rainbow Six - Lockdown Tactical FPS
    Rainbow Six 3 - Ravens Shield Tactical FPS
    Rally Championship 2000 Racing
    Rapelay 3D Hentai Simulator
    Rayman 2 - The Great Escape Adventure/Arcade
    Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc Arcade/Action/Adventure
    Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc Action/Adventure
    Rayman Raving Rabbids Arcade/Action
    Rebels: Prison Escape Strategy/Tactics
    Red Alert Strategy
    Red Faction FPS
    Red Faction 2 FPS
    Reijo Caster 2 Adventure/Hentai
    Republick Revolution Economy Strategy/Simulator
    Requiem Hurts Action/Hentai
    Requiem Hurts - Rainy Escape Adventure/Hentai
    Resident Evil 2 TPS/Adventure
    Resident Evil 4 Survial Horror
    Resident Evil 4 Survial Horror/Action
    Restricted Arena(Запретная зона) RPG
    Return to castle Wolfenstein FPS
    Return to castle Wolfenstein: Project 51 FPS
    RevEnge Adventure/Hentai
    Reversible Dogs Action
    Re-Volt Action/Racing
    Rise and Fall Civilisations at War Strategy
    Rise Of Nations - Rise Of Legends RTS
    Rise Of Nations: Thrones And Patriots Expansion Pack RTS
    RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Strategy
    Rome Total War Strategy
    Runaway: Дорожное приключение Adventure
    Rune TPS/Slasher
    Sacred RPG
    Sacred Gold Action RPG
    Sacred Plume 3D RPG/Adventure/Hentai
    Sacred:Underworld Expansion Pack RPG
    Sacrifice Action/Strategy
    Sanitarium Adventure/Action
    Sanity Aikens Artifact TPS
    Savage - The Battle For Newerth Fantasy Command FPS
    Savior 3D ADV Movie (Animated)/Hentai
    ScarFace Action
    Schoolmate 3D Simulator/Hentai
    Scrapland Action/TPS
    Scratches(Шорох) Adventure Horror
    Secon Sight Action
    Second Sight TPS
    Sensei2 Adventure/Hentai
    Septerra Core Jrpg
    Serious Sam First Encounter FPS
    Severance - Blade Of Darkness TPS/Slasher
    Sexy Beach 2 3D Hentai
    Sexy Beach 2:Chiku chiku(Add-on) 3D Hentai
    Sexy Beach 3 3D Simulator/Hentai
    Sexy Raper (Addon) 3D Fighting/Hentai
    Shadow Force Razor Unit FPS/Tactical
    Shadow Ops: Red Mercury DVD third person shooter
    ShellShock Nam 67 FPS
    Shi/Ko/Mi Adventure/Hentai
    Shitai wo Arau Adventure/Hentai
    Shuffle! Adventure/Hentai
    Shusaku Adventure/Hentai
    Sid Meier's Pirates! Strategy
    Silent Hill 2:Directors Cut Survial horror
    Silent Hill 3 Survial horror
    Silent Hill 4 Survial horror
    Silent Hunter 2 Submarine Simulator
    Silent Hunter 3 Simulator
    Sim City 4 Economy Strategy
    Simon The Sorcerer 3D Adventure
    Simpsons Hint & Run Action
    Simpsons Virtual Springfield Adventure
    Sin Episodes Emergence FPS
    Singles: 2: Triple Trouble life simulator
    Singles: Flirt Up Your Life life simulator
    Sister Teacher Adventure/Hentai
    Sky Adventure (Animated)/Hentai
    Slave Bazaar Adventure/Hentai
    Slave Bazaar ~Renaissance~ Adventure/Hentai
    Slave Pageant Adventure/Hentai
    Small Soldiers Action
    Sniper Elite Action
    Sodom no Shima -Night of Blind- ADV Hardcore Mystery (Voiced)
    Sold Out 3D Movie/Hentai
    Soldiers of Anarchy Strategy
    Soldiers of Fortune 2 FPS
    Sonic Adventure DX - Director's Cut Action
    Soulbringer RPG
    SpellForce The Order of Dawn strategy/RPG
    Spiderman Action
    Spiderman:The movie Action
    Stalker Shadow of Chernobl FPS
    Star Control 3 Space Strategy
    Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds Strategy
    Star Wars:Empire at War-Forces of Corruption Strategy
    Star Wars:Jedi Academy Escape Yavin 4 Action
    Star Wars:Knights of old Respublic RPG
    Star Wars:Lords of Sith RPG
    Starmageddon 2 ???
    Starship Troopers FPS
    Starsky & Hutch:полицейская легенда Action
    StarWars BattleFront 2 FPS
    Steel Pathers III - Brigade Command Strategy
    Street Racing Syndicate Racing
    Stronghold Strategy
    Stubs the Zombie:Rebel without Pulse Action
    Stupid Invandres(Тупые пришельцы) Adventure
    Sudden Strike 2(Противостояние 3) RTS
    Sudeki Action/RPG
    Sukumizu Police Adventure/Hentai
    Sumomo 200% (Chikan wa hanzai add-on) 3D Simulator/Hentai
    SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle tactics
    Swat 4 Tactical FPS
    Swat 4 Синдикат Стечкина Tactical FPS
    Sweet Devil Adventure/Hentai
    Sweet Pleasure New Style Adventure/Hentai
    Sword of the Stars Повелители звезд TBS Space
    Syberia Adventure
    Syberia II adventure
    System Shock 2 FPS
    T.O.O.N Adventure(animated)/Hentai
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Action
    Temple of Elemental Evil RPG
    The 7 Guest Adventure
    The Dig Adventure
    The Fall:Last Days of Gaya RPG/Tactics
    The Fall:Last Days of Gaya RPG
    The Hulk Action
    The Lord of the Rings - The Battle for Middle-Earth 2 Strategy
    The Lost Files Of Sherlock Holmes 2: The Case Of The Rose Tattoo Adventure
    The Movies strategy
    The Punisher TPS
    The Regiment FPS
    The Sagara Family Adventure/Hentai
    The Suffering Survial horror
    The Suffering Кровные узы Action
    The Two Worlds RPG
    Thief - The Dark Project TPS/Silent
    Thief 3:Deadly Shadows FPS/Silent
    Thing Action
    TimeShift FPS
    Titan Quest RPG/Action
    To Heart 2 XRATED Adventure/Hentai
    Toca Race Driver 3 Racing
    Tokitama Adventure/Hentai
    Tokubetsu Settai Adventure/Hentai
    Tom & Jerry Arcade
    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas Tactical Action
    Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Double Agent
    Tomb Raider 4 - Last Revelation TPS
    Tomb Raider 5 - Chronicles TPS
    Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness Action
    Tomb Raider Legend TPS
    Tonic Trouble Adventure/Arcade
    Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 Skateboard
    Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 Skateboard
    Tony Hawk Underground 2 Skateboard
    Toonstruck Adventure
    Torawareta Gorasu No Kokoro 3D Adventure/Hentai
    Tortuga: Pirate of New World Strategy
    Total Overdose Action
    TrackMania Sunrise Racing
    Trespasser Action
    Tron 2.0 FPS
    True Crime: streets of LA Action
    TrueCrime New York City Action
    TrueCrime New York City TPS
    Tsuki Hyoi Adventure/Hentai
    Tsuki Procession Adventure/Hentai
    Tsuma Boin Adventure/Hentai
    Tuyokisu Adventure/Hentai
    Twilight Hotel Adventure/Hentai
    Tzar(Огнем и мечом) Strategy
    UEFA 2004 Sport
    Ufo AfterShock(Уфо Возмездие) Turn based strategy
    UFO Extraterrestrials Последняя Надежда TBS
    Ultimate Spiderman Action
    Unbalance Adventure/Hentai
    Undying FPS Horror
    Unreal Gold FPS
    Urban Chaos TPS
    Uru ages beyond myst Adventure
    Vampirdzhija Vjedegonia (kyuuketsusenki VEDOGONIA) Cinematic Action ADV/Hentai
    Vampires - The Masquerade Bloodlines RPG
    Vampires - The Masquerade Redemption RPG
    Vietcong FPS
    Vietcong 2 FPS
    Viper F50 Adventure/Hentai
    Viper Lanjerie PARADISE BLACK BOARD (Animated)/Hentai
    Viper V6 R Adventure/Hentai
    Viper V8 R ADV (Animated)/Hentai
    Virgin Roster Adventure/Hentai
    Virtua Cop 2 Shooting
    Vivisector FPS
    War Inc. Strategy
    Warhammer - Mark Of Chaos Strategy
    Warhammer 40K Dawn of War
    Warhammer 40k Dawn of War Winter Assault Strategy
    Warlords 4 heroes of etheria Turn based strategy
    Wheel Of Time, The Fantasy FPS
    Will Rock FPS
    Wizardy 8 RPG
    World in Conflict Strategy
    World Racing Mercedes Benz Racing
    World War II:Frontline Command Strategy
    Worth Words XP RPG/Hentai
    X & X-Tension Space Simulator
    X2 Space Simulator
    X2 - The Threat Space Simulator
    X3 Elite clone
    X-COM 3: Apocalypse strategy
    X-com Interceptor Space Simulator
    X-Men 2: Wolverine's Revenge Action
    Yager Action
    Yotsu no Ha - First Edition или Fruits Punch Adventure/Hentai
    Yuki Hotaru 3D Simulator/Hentai
    Yuuguu Settai Adventure/Hentai
    Z.A.R FPS
    Zebra Adventure/Hentai
    Zone 51 FPS
    Zork 8 Grand Inquisitor Adventure
    Адреналин 2: Час Пик Racing
    Адреналин Экстрим Шоу Racing
    Аллоды (1,2) RPG
    Альфа Антитеррор Turn based strategy
    Анталоия эротических игр Varios
    Арчи Барелл: дело отель империал adventure
    Блитцкриг Strategy
    Блитцкриг Rolling Thunder Strategy
    Блитцкриг Операция Север Strategy
    Блитцкриг Пылающий горизонт Strategy
    Блитцкриг Смертельная схватка Strategy
    Блитцкриг Смертельная схватка 2 Strategy
    Блицкриг 2 Strategy
    Боевые гонки Action/Racing
    Братья пилоты: дело о серийном маньяке adventure
    Бригада E5 Новый Альянс Action/Tactics
    В тылу врага Tactical Strategy
    В тылу врага 2 Tactical Strategy
    Ва-банк!(The Sting) Action
    Вангеры Action
    Взломщик (Safecracker: The Ultimate Puzzle Adventure) Adventure
    Власть Закона strategy/rpg
    Власть Закона Поллицейские истории strategy/rpg
    Войни древности:Спарта RTS
    Волкодав из рода серых псов RPG/Action
    Все эмуляторы фаргуса(Sega,Snes) Roms
    Герои мегаполиса Varios
    Гладиаторы RTS
    Гнев ангелов(Shade:Wraith of Angels) TPS
    Горький 17 Turn based strategy
    ГЭГ Adventure
    ГЭГ + erotic adventure
    Демиурги Strategy
    Демиурги 2 Strategy
    Дневной Дозор TBS
    За стеной 2 иди ты в армию Adult Video Adventure
    Завтра война Space Simulator
    Звездное наследие(Star Heritage) Adventure
    Златогорье 2 RPG
    Златогорье 2 Холодные небеса RPG
    Игры для компании Other
    Ка 52 Simulator
    Князь RPG
    Князь 2 RPG
    Козаки 2 Наполеоновские войны RTS
    Корпорация Аэропорт Economy Strategy
    Корсары 3 Action/Ship
    Корсары Возвращение Легенды Action
    Космические рейнджеры 1 Other
    Космические рейнджеры 2 Other
    Магия Крови RPG/Action
    Магия Крови Время Теней RPG/Action
    Метро 2 FPS
    Мир эротичеких игр Varios
    Монти Пайтон - поиски Святого Грааля Adventure
    Мор Утопия Adventure/FPS/RPG
    Не тормози! Racing/Arcade
    Ночной Дозор RPG
    Огнем и мечом RPG
    Операция Flashpoint Холодная Война FPS/Tactical
    Операция Silent Storm Turn based strategy
    Операция Silent Storm:Часовые Turn based strategy
    Пайк: операция громовержец Action
    Паркан 2 Space simulator/FPS
    Паркан Хроника Империй Space simulator/FPS
    Периметр:Геометрия Войны Strategy
    Петька 3: Возвращение Аляски adventure
    Петька и Василий Иванович 2: Судный день adventure
    Петька и Василий Иванович спасают Галактику Adventure
    Повелитель Ужаса(Ghost Master) Strategy/Fun
    Пограничье RPG
    Подглядывающий(Watch me in my House) Erotic Adventure
    Поколение Diablo RPG
    Полет Валькирии:Земля 2150 Arcade
    Проклятые Земли Затеряные в Австрале RPG
    Противостояние Черное Золото Strategy
    Санитары Подземелей RPG
    Скейтборд 2003 Sport
    Три магната Economy strategy
    Ударная Сила Arcade Simulator
    Фланкер 2.5 Simulator
    Хроники Тарр:Призраки Звезд Space Simulator
    Чернокнижник RPG
    Шторм - солдаты неба Action/Space Sim
    Эйс Вентура Adventure
    Экспедиция Ралли Трофи-Мурманск Владивосток racing
    Элитный Half-Life FPS
    Энциклопедия компьютерных игр(1000 игр) Other
    Эротические аниме игры 2004 Adventure/Hentai
    Ядерный титбит Adventure
    Яйца Фаберже Adventure
  2. 05 Октября 2005 Срд 8:19:28
    ну ты гигант братишка!!!
    на чем всё это богатство лежит??? (винт/cd/dvd?)

    + Sacred Underworld (2cd) Addon RPG

    Restricted Arena - исправь на Reastricted Area
  3. 05 Октября 2005 Срд 8:57:31
    2Raal А как бы у тебя Дивайн Дивинити переписать? Я бы взамен тоже ченить записал.
  4. RAAL


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    05 Октября 2005 Срд 10:29:34
    БААЛЬШАЯ ЧЕРЕПАХА писал :ну ты гигант братишка!!!
    на чем всё это богатство лежит??? (винт/cd/dvd?)

    + Sacred Underworld (2cd) Addon RPG

    Restricted Arena - исправь на Reastricted Area

    Процентов 65 на DvD,20 на CD,остальное на винте...
  5. 05 Октября 2005 Срд 18:02:43
    Everquest 2
    Splinter Cell 3
    GTA San Andreas
    Thief 3
    Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
    Psi Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy

    все вроде
    вообще, было раньше много всякого хлама, да младший брат летом в гости приезжал, все забрал. Эти игры - те, что в последние полгода приобретались.
  6. 05 Октября 2005 Срд 19:24:08
    Postal2 ApocalypseWeekend
    Цитата:Поколение Diablo RPG
    - что это?
  7. RAAL


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    05 Октября 2005 Срд 23:14:05
    Модель писал :Postal2 ApocalypseWeekend
    Цитата:Поколение Diablo RPG
    - что это?

    Сборник - Diablo 1,Clans,Magic & Mayhem,DarkStone,Akuma...
  8. RAAL


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    12 Ноября 2006 Вск 2:17:09
    Решил поднять свой архив,со времен последнего обновления много чего появилось.Вобщем давайте меняться,ну или в крайнем случае продажа Смайлик :-)
    P.S Список не полный,есть также игры для 3DO,PS,PS 2,Sega Saturn,Sega Dreamcast
  9. RAAL


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    07 Января 2007 Вск 12:57:53
    Обновление списка(сверху).Теперь меня очень часто можно найти в icq 293909160
  10. nayk


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    09 Января 2007 Втр 14:20:18
    Age Of Empire 2
    Age Of Empire 3
    Battle Of Middle-Earth (Властелин колец - Битва за средиземье)
    Battlefield 2
    Battlefield - Iran Konflict
    Battlefield - Power Strike
    Battlefield 2142
    Call Of Duty - 3 части
    Call Of Juares 2
    Chrome Specforce
    Collin McRay Rally 4
    Counter Strike 1.6
    Counter Strike Source - Русский спецназ
    Delta Force - Land Warrior
    Faces Of War
    Far Cry 1
    Far Cry - От заката до рассвета
    Far Cry - Возвращение в рай
    Far Cry - Commando
    GTA - Vice City Deluxe
    GTI Racing
    Half Life
    Half Life - Opposing Force
    Half Life 2
    Half Life 2 - Episode One
    Quake - Антология (1,2,3 + Addons)
    Need For Speed - все части от 1ой до CARBON
  11. mcrc


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    24 Января 2007 Срд 12:10:31
    Dune 2: The battle for Arracis
  12. RAAL


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    09 Апреля 2007 Пон 17:08:42
    Обновление списка,также доступны новые игры для PSP и PS 2(1-ый пост).Вобщем кто заинтересован сюда 293909160...
  13. OGIK


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    07 Мая 2007 Пон 10:46:16
    А ктонить может, игруху да диск закатать.
  14. ~@tom~


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.Представитель администрации форума (модератор)
    12 Мая 2007 Суб 19:10:50
    RAAL писал :
    18 Wheels Of Steal Pedal of the Metal
    18 Wheels Of Steel Convoy

    Нужна эта игрушка, ищу давно, игра конечно не ахти, но есть мод, говорят хороший, интересно попробывать
    RAAL писал:
    Блитцкриг Rolling Thunder
    Блитцкриг Операция Север
    Блитцкриг Пылающий горизонт
    Блитцкриг Смертельная схватка
    Блитцкриг Смертельная схватка 2

    Пишется вот так:
    У меня тоже есть куча игрушек, писать нет времени, потом как нибудь, на досуге список выложу
  15. L17


    Более 10 лет на форумеМуж.
    12 Мая 2007 Суб 22:02:46
    RAAL писал :Обновление списка,также доступны новые игры для PSP и PS 2(1-ый пост).Вобщем кто заинтересован сюда 293909160...
    Можно узнать список игр для PSP?
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