Супер робот!!!!!!!
Создана: 28 Декабря 2005 Срд 1:04:38.
Раздел: "Флейм"
Сообщений в теме: 25, просмотров: 6248
[внешняя ссылка]
Вот тут живет искусственный интеллект, который за 20 вопросов отгадывает задуманный объект.
Загадал ему минарет, он практически отгадал - колокольня. Как это можно было понять из моих ответов - не понимаю.
20. I am guessing that it is a church steeple? Yes
19. Can you walk on it? No.
18. Does it grow over time? No.
17. Is it symbolic? No.
16. Is it square shaped? No.
15. Is it used for entertainment? No.
14. Is some part of it made of glass? Doubtful.
13. Is it worth a lot of money? Yes.
12. Do you use it at night? No.
11. Would you use it daily? No.
10. Can you live in it? Maybe.
9. Can you put something into it? Yes.
8. Can it be painted? Yes.
7. Would you find it in an office? No.
6. Can you control it? No.
5. Does it move? No.
4. Does it bring joy to people? Maybe.
3. Is it larger than a pound of butter? Yes.
2. Do you hold it when you use it? No.
1. It is classified as Other. -
хм... то ли я на вопросы не так отвечаю, то ли что
но ни "социология", ни "прогулка" не отгадал
нефиг конкретные понятия, предметы загадывать
абстракции рулят
минарет, булавка, вентилятор... )) ответы на его вопросы однозначные ... а какую-н хрень, которая "что дышло..." -
ха! а я загадала пиранью, и он не смог угадать за 25 вопросов, правда, в списке возможных вариантов все же пиранья фигурировала, фигня, а не интеллект, короче.
Цитата:You won!
Is it one of these ...
an embryo
a cigarette
a worm
a sea anemone
a tarantula
grass (as in lawn-grass)
a centipede
a leg
a gopher
a scorpion
a spider
a piranha
a shrew
a tire
a coral
an earlobe
а вот сигару отгадал, собака, за 17 вопросов.
Цитата:You were thinking of a cigar.
Does it smell good? You said Irrelevant, I say Yes.
Contradictions Detected
The opinions of the AI are its own and are based on the input of people playing. It does not matter if our answers disagree, as over time my answers will change to reflect common knowledge. If you feel that I am in error, the only way to fix it is to play again.
Similar Objects
tobacco, a corn dog, a bratwurst, a cigarette, a cinnamon roll, a tootsie roll, a joint (between bones), umeboshi (pickled plum), a human head, a cigarette filter, an onion ring, root beer.
Uncommon Knowledge about a cigar
20Q thinks these may be wrong
Can any age group use it? I say No.
Can it be chewed? I say No.
Is it a specific type? I say Doubtful.
Is it carbon-based? I say No.
Is it warm? I say No.
Does it live above ground? I say Doubtful.