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Раздел: Сортировка nike, правда что ли????? 

Создана: 15 Июля 2015 Срд 21:14:21.
Раздел: "Сортировка"
Сообщений в теме: 2, просмотров: 7963

  1. 15 Июля 2015 Срд 21:14:21
    Nike proudly announces the 2015 #BETRUE collection of uniquely designed footwear, apparel and equipment, inspired by the LGBT community and celebrating the passion and pursuit of sport by all athletes.

    “Nike is deeply committed to diversity, inclusion and unleashing the potential of all athletes,” said Tim Hershey, Vice President of Global Merchandising for Nike and Executive Advisor to Nike’s LGBT Employee Network. “We’re rallying the world to embrace #BETRUE as a call-to-action for all athletes to be their most authentic selves in June and all year long.”

    [внешняя ссылка]
  2. 15 Июля 2015 Срд 21:15:36
    Nike is a proud supporter of the LGBT Sports Coalition and its initiatives to end discrimination in sport. Nike helped found the LGBT Sports Coalition in 2011, and continues to support the Coalition through the #BETRUE collection, which began in 2012. Nike will also host the coalition’s fourth-annual summit in June 11-13 in Portland, Ore.